The Secret To Looking Good

Sometimes it's easy to let other people's insecurities get to you. They start making comments like "I hate my thighs", or "I can't eat that, I need to lose like 5 pounds!" or even worse, "don't you just hate how we can't be as skinny as her?"

You start thinking that there must be something wrong with you and that maybe you too should be thinking twice about eating that last morsel.

I know that I don't have the thin body you see in the media, but there is no reason for anyone to body shame me for not wanting to aspire to someone else's ideals. I could turn the tables and start talking about how sick and skinny those models look (and probably feel), but what would that achieve? That is a negative comment that weighs down the soul and I just want to fill my life with light and positivity—besides, ain't nobody got time for that type of negative self talk!

I am constantly reminding myself that my legs helped me squat my body weight, or that my shoulders helped me hold my handstand in a strong, stable position. My body is strong, I love nourishing it with nutritious foods, and I love feeling happy and healthy from all the vitamins and nutrients that I get from eating nutritious foods, and from the endorphins I get from exercise.

Other people will always have their opinions, but how they feel about your body has nothing to do with how you actually feel.

So pssst...the secret to looking good is to first try and feel good. If you feel good about the decisions you are making (like making an effort to cook at home and making time for exercise), if you fill your belly with healthy nutritious foods that gives you the proper vitamins and nutrients to fuel your body, and if you surround yourself with positive people, you are bound to feel and look good.

I guess that's not really a big secret is it?

It just gets easier to do with practice, so let's start with small steps and get to a point where other people's opinions are just that... their opinions and not ours.

To Being Positively Strong,



Travel Tip: Eating Healthy While On The Road


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